Preconditions: I installed Magento 2 with sample data used luma theme for customised right now . Now I'm trying to remove Footer subscriber form in mycustom theme which I created before. As I tried to remove it from layout by m2\vendor\magento\theme-frontend-luma\Magento_Theme\layout\default.xml Just need to copy paste <referenceBlock name="form.subscribe" remove="true" /> if you want to remove footer then you remove block like this. <referenceBlock name="footer_links" remove="true" /> in above file file m2\vendor\magento\theme-frontend-luma\Magento_Theme\layout\default.xml default.xml file used to change layout of page if file doesn't exist then you can create your own file <?xml version="1.0"?> <page layout="1column" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../../...